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This site is being offered for sale with the benefit of Full Planning Permission under planning reference LA01/2016/0579/F Planning Permission has been granted for 12 dwellings with associated landscaping on 16/05/2016 (5 year expiry). The mix is designed over 4 floors and includes 12 apartments – 10 x 2PB & 2 x 2P1B.

Intending purchasers are advised to read the conditions in the Planning Consent (and seek independent advice if necessary) before placing an offer with the agent.


The access to the site is over a concrete laneway directly off the Railway Road.


Paul D Thompson Solicitors, 11 Lodge Road, Coleriane, BT52 1LU

Tel: 028 7044 0550


We reserve the right on behalf of the vendor to conclude the bidding (if necessary) by holding a meeting of all the bidders on a specified date and time in our office.

In the event that a meeting is to be arranged only those interested parties with a valid offer on the property can be assured of being notified of the specific time and date.

Price N/A



Railway Road, Coleraine, BT52 1PD